0330 174 6768 enquiries@salsac.co.uk

Lease a Car with Salary Sacrifice
Here at SalSac, you can lease any car available through our UK vehicle leasing broker network, with fully electric vehicles offering the most significant savings due to the low BIK "benefit in kind" Below are some of our top salary sacrifice car lease examples with significant financial savings.
Choose any EV or Phev
Access all-electric & plug-in hybrid cars under 75g/km with salary sacrifice.

Can't Find the Correct Lease Car ?
A salary sacrifice car can be offered on any new lease car available in the market with electric cars offering the largest savings. If the lease car you required is not on our list please call our customer service team on 0330 174 6768 for a personalised SalSac quote.

Explore Car Salary Sacrifice For Employees
For more information regarding the car salary sacrifice scheme and topics such as National Insurance contributions, examples of salary sacrifice, technical guidance and much more please visit the UK Government Website below for up-to-date advice and guidance.

Is a Car Salary Sacrifice Right For Me?
Salary Sacrifice Advantages
Lease a large range of fully electric cars, plug-in hybrids, hybrid, diesel and petrol cars at discounted monthly rates.
Save considerable sums of your national insurance and income tax over the lease term with salary sacrifice.
Lease a car with no deposit, no upfront payment and pay nothing until the car is delivered directly to you.
Manufacturer's Roadside Recovery and manufacturers vehicle maintenance are included with every salary sacrifice for the duration of the car lease.
No personal credit checks will ever be performed for a salary sacrifice as the credit is covered by your employer.
Salary Sacrifice Considerations
Depending on the car leased a Benefit in Kind or (BIK) will be payable. All-electric cars currently only attract a 2% BIK making them extremely affordable. Plug-In Hybrid Cars and internal combustion cars then command different costs depending on their electric range and CO2 emissions.
Salary Sacrifice Cars are generally leased for 2 - 4 years, so please ensure that the contract length suits your lifestyle.
With a salary sacrifice lease car, your gross salary is reduced and can affect other benefits such as pensions etc.