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What should I consider before ordering an electric vehicle?
The main consideration with an electric vehicle is the range and charging options available to you, we advise considering the following:
Private charging points, the most common way to regularly charge is via a home or work charger. An extension lead should never be used when charging using a 3-pin plug socket.
Where and how far you will travel and if you have the necessary public charging infrastructure available and convenient to you.
Vehicle Range, if the vehicle you are considering has a sufficient range capacity to cover your typical journeys.
How does an electric vehicle differ from a petrol or diesel vehicle?
An electric vehicle doesn’t have an engine, gearbox or clutch, instead, it’s powered by an electric battery and runs from an electric motor without the need for gears.
Are electric vehicles expensive to maintain?
Electric vehicles have fewer components, such as no engine, gearbox or clutch, therefore they are often cheaper to maintain than a petrol or diesel vehicle, however, they still require maintenance to components such as the brakes, battery and tyres.
Are electric vehicles safe?
Concerns have been raised for pedestrians as electric vehicles are much quieter than petrol or diesel vehicles. However, an EU ruling states that all electric and hybrid vehicles must be fitted with a warning sound system called an AVAS (acoustic alert system) that will sound when a vehicle is reversing or travelling at less than 18.6MPH. We would, however, still recommend exercising caution when travelling in built-up areas or near pedestrians to ensure their safety.
Electric vehicles have high torque and no gears therefore they often accelerate much faster than a petrol or diesel vehicle. Therefore, care should be taken when driving an electric vehicle, especially when you drive the vehicle the first few times.
How far will my electric vehicle travel on a single charge?
This is a difficult question to answer as the vehicle range depends on the vehicle you choose; therefore you should research this thoroughly prior to selecting and ordering your vehicle to ensure the vehicle suits your needs.
How do I find public charge points?
There are many public charge points around the country, unfortunately, coverage is not currently evenly spread across the country, therefore, we highly recommend researching coverage where you live, work and travel thoroughly prior to ordering your vehicle. There are many third-party websites and apps available to assist and a good starting point is www.zap-map.com *SalSac is not responsible for the content of third-party apps or websites.
Public charging offers pay-as-you-go and subscription-based options. Community projects are another option in some areas and there are some locations, i.e. supermarkets offer free charging points to their customers.
How long will it take to charge my electric vehicle?
Another difficult question to answer as charge time depends on a number of factors, including;
The vehicle and its battery size
The type of charger being used
The level of charge required
The charge that is already in the vehicle
Essentially the bigger the vehicle battery and the slower the charger, the longer it will take to fully charge the vehicle.
Fast chargers typically charge up to 30 miles in 1 hour (7kW) or 90 miles in 1 hour (22kW) depending on their kilowatt (kW) power rating. Rapid chargers (43kW-50kW) typically charge up to 90 miles in 30 minutes.
Most drivers tend to top during the day and gain a full charge overnight and are more concerned with the vehicle range than if the vehicle is fully charged.
A home charger will usually fully charge a vehicle overnight and is therefore often the most convenient option. SalSac can include a home charger within your Salary Sacrifice making it more affordable.
How much will it cost to charge my electric vehicle?
Charge costs depend on a number of factors, including:
The vehicle and its battery size
The type of charger being used
Electricity costs
The level of charge required and the charge already in the vehicle​
Public charging costs vary by location. There are some locations, i.e. supermarkets that offer free use of charging points to their customers.